About me

Jason Cassidy

Founder of Mind Awake

Mindfulness Teacher

Lucid Dreaming Teacher

mind awake ceo

My goal

I teach people to cultivate wisdom, resilience, and self integration through Mindfulness-Based Lucid Dreaming.  

Mindfulness strengthens our relationship with ourselves and the people around us.  By familiarizing with our minds, we gain self-awareness and mental clarity.  In fact, the word ‘lucidity’ means ‘clarity’.  And dreams show us what matters most in life.  Dreams give us insight into our natural predispositions, tendencies, fears, desires… the stuff that goes on in the deeper places of our minds — the subconscious.

And so, by lucid dreaming, we can bring more clarity to who we are at that deeper level.

After all, we sleep for one third of our lives yet usually, we have no idea what’s going on for those 8 hours per day.  

The less familiar we are with our own subconscious mind, the more vulnerable we are to suffering and causing others to suffer unnecessarily.  And that’s the point.  That is why I am encouraging and promoting self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-integration.

The practice of Mindfulness-Based Lucid Dreaming is both fun and healthy.  It can help us genuinely improve our mental health by A. understanding & prioritizing healthy sleep, and B. cultivating a healthier, more informed relationship with our own minds. 

I believe people will benefit immensely from practicing lucid dreaming mindfully and it is my goal to teach people how to do just that.


In college, I majored in Psychology and I absolutely loved it.   Amidst all there is to learn about the mind, I found dreams to be the most interesting and underrated subject in the field.  A friend of mine told me about lucid dreaming and I was so intrigued, I made it the focus for a major research paper. 

After reading as much as I could on the subject, one night I tried the recommended techniques and IT WORKED – I had my first lucid dream.   The experience was unlike any other in my life.  I realized I was capable of entering  what seemed like an advanced state of consciousness as I slept.  I was fascinated, and very eager to learn more about it.

To my disappointment, all of my Psychology classes hardly touched the subject of dreams and never addressed the phenomenon of lucidity or the lucid REM state.  Compared to other subject matter, each class only casually mentioned dreams and never went in-depth.   The trend was as follows: 

Dreams in case studies, history of psychology, and academic research of dreams were briefly mentioned as therapeutically valuable, useful for self-integration, necessary for healthy development, and phenomenologically one of the most interesting human traits known to mankind… and then we would promptly move on to the next subject.  

This seemed paradoxical – how could dreams be so important and yet so neglected?  As time went on and I advanced in Psychology, I learn a lot about Buddhism and Mindfulness.  It turns out, many ancient Buddhist practices are now scientifically supported as valuable and efficacious mental health practices (namely Mindfulness). 

Though we never covered lucid dreaming in the curriculum, I later learned that Mindfulness and Lucid Dreaming share the same origin: the Buddhist traditions of Dream Yoga.    

So, for the past 10 years I have studied Mindfulness and Lucid Dreaming in-depth, and I have had countless incredible lucid dream experiences.  The more I learned, the more valuable it seemed to be and so I decided to pursue it professionally.


Professional Career

In my pursuit to find a career in dreams, I wanted to first learn and understand Sleep.  Fortunately, Sleep Medicine has been rapidly growing, and career opportunities were available.  

I began in Sleep Medicine as a technologist and Polysomnography (sleep study) data analyst.  I’ve done some academic research in Sleep and Dreams as well.  All of which has been fulfilling and interesting work, but wasn’t quite scratching the ‘Lucid Dream career’ itch.

Long story short, I created Mind Awake a Mobile App in the Mindfulness space.  Now, my highest priority is developing the Mindfulness-Based Lucid Dreaming course content in the app and to get this otherwise privileged information out to millions of people.

My course material primarily stems from much appreciated guidance from Stephen Laberge’s Lucidity Institute and help from Dr. Kristen Lamarca.  I am constantly learning and always receptive to feedback so please feel free to reach out if you’d like to connect.  I also stay current with the latest academic literature and draw from my favorite resources on dreams and mindfulness

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